Research profile
Education research – interdisciplinary health promotion – migration and participation research
Research activities are based on the profile of the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd, featuring the key areas of education research, interdisciplinary health promotion, and migration and participation research. The field of education research is further subdivided into the topic areas of lifelong learning processes, education in the context of heterogeneity, MINT promotion, social education, education for sustainable development, early childhood education, cultural education, digitisation and media, occupational research, consultation and advanced education. The key profile area of health promotion features a particular focus on school-based and occupational health promotion and prevention, and activities in the field of nursing research are currently being expanded. In the key profile area of migration and participation research, the latest requirements concerning multilingualism (German as a Foreign Language / German as a Second Language) are currently being explored and interdisciplinary links are being established with the topic fields in the key area of education research.
These diverse research projects are pursued both as in-house projects and as projects based around third-party funding. The research supported by third-party funding receives assistance from sponsors on a supra-regional level (German Research Foundation, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, EU, Ministry for Science, Research and Arts (MWK) Baden-Württemberg / Innovation and Quality Fund) and from regional supporters who are especially interested in the transfer of research (such as companies and municipalities). The institution receives a high level of third-party funding.
For information on ongoing and completed research projects at the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd, visit the research database.
In addition to basic research, the University pursues the goal of promoting and expanding the transfer of research. This is done by means of establishing institutional research and transfer centres, such as the Health Promotion Competence Centre, the Centre for Media Education, the Diagnostic Centre, the BUFO Picture Book Centre and the Competence Centre for Natural Science Education, and through anchoring research-based teaching and learning within the structure of the study regulations.
In order to improve the framework conditions, the service and programme structures in research funding have been optimised (QuiF project) and various tools have been developed, such as for the purpose of providing information (research compass), providing consultation programmes for research funded by third parties, for contract research and for junior academics (QuaPromo project), institutional anchoring of project management (e.g. initial discussion at the start of the project, harmonisation of processes between the project lead and project management, electronic project file), method workshops and special formats for internal research funding.
Research projects
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