Research colloquium

An interdisciplinary research colloquium has taken place at the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd since the 2006 summer semester. The research colloquium enables exchange and discussion among the various disciplines in relation to research projects, postdoctorate projects, dissertation projects, approaches to research, research methods and the results of research semesters. It also provides the opportunity to hold a rehearsal talk in preparation for an academic conference.

The research colloquium is held by the academics at the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd, but the organisers are also happy to include international guests. This may occur as part of an exchange programme for lecturers, for example.

The target group of the research colloquium encompasses all researchers and interested parties at the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd who wish to learn about the research activities of the University and its academics, and who are looking to engage in a related exchange of ideas. Students in the later stages of their studies are also invited to participate.

For more information and to register a contribution, please contact:

Dr. Martina Schmette
Research Management Administrator
E-mail: martina.schmette(at) 

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