Quality management
Quality assurance and development represent cross-sector skills at a University of Education and are therefore also highly significant in the field of research.
As opposed to monitoring the content written by the researchers and the achievements they record, this is more related to providing service and support programmes in the field of research and ensuring that processes in research management and administration are as seamless as possible.
The aim of this research-related quality management is to promote and achieve good research conditions, a lively culture of research and ultimately a large number of successful research activities at our University.
For the purpose of quality development in the field of research, the Office of the Vice-President for Research has been involved in the following current and former structural development projects:
- QuiF workshop: Quality in Research – optimisation of support and service processes
- QuaPromo – an integrated modular concept for quality assurance and development in doctoral study at the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd
Dr. Martina Schmette
E-Mail: martina.schmette(at)ph-gmuend.de