Ensuring good academic practice
Guidelines of the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd for ensuring good academic practice 1)
Version dated 11 February 2004
Academic work is based on fundamental principles that are equal in all countries and in all academic disciplines. The most important of these is honesty with regard to yourself and others. The integrity of academics is a fundamental prerequisite for academic work. Although misconduct in academic work cannot be entirely prevented by the specification of framework conditions, it can be reduced.
In recognition of its responsibility in the fields of research, teaching and supporting young researchers (see also Section 42 para. 2 of the Law on Universities of Education in the State of Baden-Württemberg (PHG) in conjunction with Section 56 a of the Law on Universities in the State of Baden-Württemberg (UG)), the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd has measures in place to ensure appropriate action is taken in cases of academic misconduct. At its meetings on 16 July 2003, 29 October 2003 and 11 February 2004, the Senate adopted regulations that are available to download in PDF format (in German).
An ombudsperson is an individual in a position of trust who provides consultation to persons reporting suspected cases of academic misconduct.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Immerfall
Fon: +49 71 71 983-349, Sekr.: -276
E-mail: stefan.immerfall(at)ph-gmuend.de
Deputy Ombudsperson
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Carl-Walter Kohlmann
Fon: +49 7171 983-448, Sekr. -433
E-mail: carl-walter.kohlmann(at)ph-gmuend.de