
'QuaPromo – an integrated modular concept for quality assurance and development in doctoral study at the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd'.

With a particular focus on the doctorate life cycle and the three target groups of potential doctoral candidates, doctoral students and doctoral supervisors, the following seven service and support programmes will be implemented over the coming years:

  1. Information and public relations
  2. Consultation programmes
  3. Training and qualification programmes
  4. Financial support programmes
  5. Exchange and networking
  6. Committees
  7. Data collection

The concept takes a holistic approach to the doctoral phase and is subject to continuous further development and adjustment in line with the framework conditions and requirements of the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd.

Dr. Martina Schmette
E-Mail: martina.schmette(at)ph-gmuend.de