Internal research funding

The University provides various options for internal research funding:

  • Visits to academic events for junior academics (via junior funding pool 1) Prerequisite:
    Active contribution, e.g. in the form of a lecture, a poster presentation or a chairing role.
    Doctoral and postdoctoral academics can apply for additional funding for participation in conferences via the congress and lecture travel programme run by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

  • Participation in training activities
    for junior academics (via junior funding pool 2).

  • Support for various activities (via the miscellaneous funding pool), such as translation services/proofreading of translations for publications or applications, and covering the travel costs of professors or non-professorial graduate teaching staff who chair a workshop, host a seminar, etc. within the framework of the Graduate Academy run by the Universities of Education in Baden-Württemberg.

With regard to the three funding pools mentioned above, please note the document 'Informationsblatt Interne Fördertöpfe' ('Information sheet for internal funding pools') provided in the info box (in German).

  • Internal application option for funding internal research applications.
    Internal research funding is a strategic tool. It is based around the support provided in this context, namely initial financing for projects supported by third-party funding, and covers research projects undertaken by academics from the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd in relation to a specific topic and for a specific duration (1 year)
    • Submission deadline: by 31 October each year

    • See the information leaflet and format template for internal research applications (in German)

    • See the document 'Vorlage Abschlussbericht Interne Projekte' ('Final report template for internal projects', in German)
  • Internal application option for funding research-related projects.
    Internal funding of research-related projects at the University concerns three areas of activity
    Area 1: organisation and holding of an academic conference
    Area 2: publication of conference proceedings
    Area 3: material resources for projects undertaken by junior academics
    • Submission deadline: by 31 March each year

    • See the information leaflet and format template for internal applications for funding of research-related projects (in German)

    • See the document 'Vorlage Abschlussbericht Interne Projekte' ('Final report template for internal projects', in German)

Please also note the e-mail circulars sent by the Office of the Vice-President for Research with regard to the internal (research) funding options available at the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd.