The new Erasmus Mundus Master* program in Education, Migration, and Diversity”
( is an interdisciplinary, international, and multilingual master`s program that

  • offers study places each year for 25 international students (a majority funded with scholarships of the Erasmus Mundus program)
  • consists of a vast network of academic and non-academic professional partners in Germany, Sweden, Italy, Benin, and Tunisia
  • educates internationally trained professionals to develop, foster, and critically evaluate diversity-oriented and migration-sensitive approaches in schools, adult education, public organizations, companies, and NGOs.

Our Master`s program is both research-based and practice-oriented and offers a unique interdisciplinary program combining the disciplines educational sciences, migration studies, religious and cultural studies and applied linguistics.

* vorbehaltlich einer Zustimmung zur Einrichtung gemäß § 30 Abs. 4 LHG durch das Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst.

Program:Erasmus Mundus Master in Education, Migration, and Diversity
Duration:2 years
Core Universities:University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd, University of Gävle, University of Calabria
Start: October(in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany)
Application Deadline15th Feb (Scholarships), 31st May (other applications)

At University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd, the EDU_MIG master is built upon following M.A.s:

M.A. in migration, diversity and participation

M.A. in intercultural germanistics and multilingualism participation

You find all relevant information as wells as the link to the application portal on our website 

Contact Persons

Prof. Dr. Daniel Hugo Rellstab

Telephone:+49 7171 983-495

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Prof. Dr. Miriam Stock

Room:M1 2.04
Telephone:+49 7171 983-1832

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